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Single-Storey Steel Buildings:
The 11 parts in the Single-Storey Steel Buildings guide are:
Part 1: Architect’s guide
Part 2: Concept design
Part 3: Actions
Part 4: Detailed design of portal frames
Part 5: Detailed design of trusses
Part 6: Detailed design of built up columns
Part 7: Fire engineering
Part 8: Building envelope
Part 9: Introduction to computer software
Part 10: Model construction specification
Part 11: Moment connections
Single-Storey Steel Buildings is one of two design guides. The second design guide is Multi-Storey Steel Buildings.
The two design guides have been produced in the framework of the European project “Facilitating the market development for sections in industrial halls and low rise buildings (SECHALO) RFS2-CT-2008-0030”.
The design guides have been prepared under the direction of Arcelor Mittal, Peiner Träger and Corus. The technical content has been prepared by CTICM and SCI, collaborating as the Steel Alliance.
What's New in Version 04/20/23 14:48 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.
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